BowFlex Rebrand

BowFlex. A pioneer in home fitness and long overdue for a new brand experience. It was time for us to understand how our customer has changed. We are part of an industry that sells people on external motivations: Look your best. Thin is pretty. But was this resonating with our customers? Through much research, the fantastic team at COLLINS helped identify our path forward through a new brand strategy, tone of voice, and visual identity. 

At BowFlex, we believe that fitness isn’t always about outward change. Strength looks a little different for each of us. Focusing on how we feel allows us to shape our outcomes—creating a lifetime love of movement.

Brand identity

As a part of a small team, I worked with COLLINS reviewing research, helping shape the strategy, and discussing the pros & cons of logo designs, typefaces, colors, and personality to ensure the NEW BowFlex was exactly what the customer needed, what we needed—and would change how we thought about fitness.

We needed to land on an identity that had longevity but didn’t play it too safe. The result is a beautiful and inclusive brand identity.


We couldn’t wait to introduce the new BowFlex to the world. With such an important unveiling, I worked with our Director of brand, members of our internal marketing team, and outside partners to build out the launch plan. Sizable impacts to our budget meant we had to make the biggest splash within our owned channels—and a smidge of paid media. On July 27, 2023, we showed the world who BowFlex is with a new website, a multi-day cadence of organic social posts, launch emails, and more.

The team

Michael Robinson - Brand director

Marli Hughes - Art director

Bridget Berquist - Integrated marketing manager

Herman-Scheer - Creative agency
